Report Toolbar
The Report Toolbar is at the top of the Report Page and contains several tools and features to help you easily work with your project.
The toolbar contains the following options:
- Copy the selected data, also accessible via
on Mac. - Paste the copied data, also accessible via
on Mac. - Automatically size the columns to fit the data.
- Reset the column size to the default size (the size of your window).
- Expand all the row groups in the spreadsheet (for gear reports, the groups will be gear categories, and for port and connection reports, gear items).
- Collapse all the row groups in the spreadsheet.
- Print the current report to a PDF.
- Export the current report to CSV and Pro users can export Excel.
- Toggle Full Edit Mode (Port reports only – learn more about report types here).
- Lock or unlock the selected report from further edits.
- Clear all changes to the selected report and revert to the last saved version (this includes any changes made to columns, filters, sorting, etc.).
- Save the selected report, either as the current report (for non-stock reports) or as a new report (for stock reports and non-stock reports).
Copy and Paste
Just like you would expect from a typical spreadsheet application, you can copy and paste cell data
between cells. You can use the Copy and Paste buttons in the toolbar to copy and paste data
between cells or the keyboard shortcuts Ctrl+C
and Ctrl+V
Auto Size Columns
By clicking on Auto Size Columns, the columns in the report will automatically resize to fit the data in the cells. This can be useful if you have a lot of dead space in your cells and want to tighten up the report.
Reset Column Size
By clicking on Reset Column Size, the columns in the report will reset to the default size, which is the size of your window. This will create dead space in your cells, but you won’t have empty columns on the right side of your report like with Auto Size Columns.
Expand and Collapse Row Groups
For gear reports, the groups will be gear categories, and for port and connection reports this will be gear items. By clicking on Expand All or Collapse All, you can expand or collapse all the row groups in the spreadsheet at once, instead of manually clicking on each group. The groups will be expanded by default when you first open the report, but their expanded state is included in the report’s save state.
Printing and Exporting
You can print the current report to a PDF by clicking on the Print button. This will include a heading with the report name, project, and some other additional information.
You can also export the current report to CSV or Excel (Pro feature) by clicking on the Export to CSV or Export to Excel buttons. Excel exports will include the port groups as collapsible rows.
Locking and Unlocking Reports
You can lock or unlock the selected report from further edits by clicking on the Lock Report button. When a report is locked, it cannot be modified, including filters, sorting, and column changes. Data updates are also not allowed. You can unlock the report by clicking on the Unlock Report button.
Discard Changes
Any change you make to a report is saved in the report’s state. You can save the report to keep the changes, but if you want to discard the changes and revert to the last saved version, you can click on the Discard Changes button. This will revert any changes made to columns, filters, sorting, etc. This does not affect the data in the report, only the display settings.
Save Report
You can save the selected report by clicking on the Save Report As button for stock reports, or the Report Not Saved button for user reports. Saving as will save a new report and you will be prompted to enter a name for the report. Saving will save the current report and update the report’s state with any changes made to columns, filters, sorting, etc.