Layer Manager
The Layer Manager is accessible from the Manager Menu at the top right of the app.
This manager allows you to customize the layers in your project. Layers are a way to organize your project into different sections. You can create, delete, and rename layers. Layers have the following properties:
- Name: The name of the layer.
- Visibility: Whether the layer is visible or not. When a layer is not visible, all the objects on that layer are hidden in the drawing.
- Primary Colour: The primary colour of the layer. This is used to differently depending on the item
the colour is applied to. For example, if a gear item is set to use the layer colour, it will use this
colour as the background.
- It also determines label colours on most items, for example a bright colour will set the labels to black so they are readable, and a dark colour will set the labels to white.
- Secondary Colour: The secondary colour of the layer. This is usually used to set the border colour
of the gear item, or the border colour of a connection label.
- Base on Primary Colour: The droplet icon next to the secondary colour selection will choose a colour that is based on the primary colour. This sets the secondary colour to be 15% lighter then the primary colour’s current colour. This is the default behaviour when creating a new layer.
Adding Layers
To add a layer, click on the Plus button in the toolbar. This will add a new layer to the list with a default name and colours. You can then rename the layer and change the colours as needed.
Deleting Layers
To delete a layer or layers, select the layers you wish to delete by clicking on their checkboxes. Then click on the Trash button in the toolbar. This will delete the selected layers.
Items That Support Layers
The following items support having a layer assigned to them:
- Gear: The gear item can be assigned a layer. The gear will use the layer colours for the background and text.
- Ports: The port on a gear will be assigned the layer of the gear it belongs to.
- Connections: The connection between two gear items can be assigned a layer. The connection will use the layer colours for the line and text if set to use the layer colours (by default, connections use the port colours).
Assigning Layers to Items
There are several ways to assign a layer to an item. Some of them include:
- When inserting gear, the active layer in the Draw Toolbar will be used as the layer for the gear.
- Selecting a gear item and changing the layer in the Draw Toolbar will change the layer for the gear.
- Right clicking a gear item or connection and choosing Change Layer will allow you to change the layer for the item.
- Selecting a new layer in the Layer column in the Report Page for a Gear or Connection report.