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The Reports feature of GearConnect is one of the most powerful tools in the application and can be found on the Report tab in the Main Nav Bar.


Reports should provide a familiar spreadsheet-like interface if you are used to Excel or Google Sheets.

It can be used to not only generate reports to export, but also a quick and easy way to view and edit your data.

Please refer to the layout sections for more information on the various parts of the page:

This page will focus on the features within the spreadsheet-like interface itself but other features of Reports are covered in the above pages.

Report Types

There are three types of reports in GearConnect:

  • Gear: Displays information about the gear in your project, grouped by gear category.
  • Ports: Displays information about the ports in your project, grouped by gear items.
  • Connections: Displays information about the connections in your project, grouped by gear items.

Keyboard Controls

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts in the Reports feature:

  • Arrow Keys: Move around the report.
  • Enter: Edit a cell.
  • Space: Toggle a checkbox cell.
  • Tab: Move to the next cell.
  • Shift + Tab: Move to the previous cell.
  • Ctrl + C: Copy the selected data.
  • Ctrl + V: Paste the copied data.
  • Ctrl + Arrow Keys: Move to the edge of the data.
  • Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple cells.
  • Ctrl + Shift + Arrow Keys: Select multiple cells in a row or column.


Column Data

Depending on the report you are viewing (Gear, Ports, or Connections), the columns will change to reflect the data you are viewing.

Gear Columns

Below are all the columns available in the Gear report:

ColumnDefault VisibilityIs Data Editable
Gear TypeHiddenNo
Detail ModeHiddenNo
Fixed Port SpacingVisibleYes
Group Expansion PortsVisibleYes
In DrawingVisibleNo

Port Columns

Below are all the columns available in the Ports report:

ColumnDefault VisibilityIs Data Editable
Gear ItemHiddenNo
Expansion Card ManufacturerHiddenNo
Expansion Card BrandHiddenNo
Fiber TypeHiddenYes*
Signal TypeVisibleYes*
Signal FlowVisibleYes*
IP AddressVisibleYes**
Connected GearVisibleNo
Connected PortVisibleNo

Connection Columns

Below are all the columns available in the Connections report:

ColumnDefault VisibilityIs Data Editable
Needs AdapterVisibleNo
Signal WarningVisibleNo
Use Port ColourVisibleYes
Use Layer ColourVisibleYes
Primary ColourHiddenYes
Secondary ColourHiddenYes
Source Connected GearHiddenNo
Source Connected PortHiddenNo
Target Connected GearVisibleNo
Target Connected PortHiddenNo

Toggling Columns

Column Toggling Button

Column Toggling

You can toggle columns on and off by clicking on the hamburger menu button next to any of the column headers. The menu appears when you hover over the column headers. This will bring up a list of all the columns available in the report. You can toggle the visibility of the columns by clicking on the checkboxes.

There is also a search to help you find the column you are looking for.

Auto Adjust Column Width

From the same hamburger menu, you can also auto adjust column width by clicking on the second tab in the menu. This will give you three options:

  • Autosize This Column: This will adjust the width of the column to fit the widest cell in the column.
  • Autosize All Columns: This will adjust the width of all columns to fit the widest cell in each column.
  • Reset Column Widths: This will reset all column widths to the default width.

Moving and Resizing Columns

You can move columns by clicking and dragging the column header to the desired location. You can also resize them by clicking and dragging the column header to the desired width as well.

Rows and Data

Each row in the report is grouped under a parent row. The parent row doesn’t contain any data but is used to group the child rows under it. You can expand or collapse the parent row by clicking on the arrow next to the row label.

See Row Details above for grouping details.

Row Data

Several cells in the report are editable (indicated by bold text). To edit a cell, simply double click on the cell or press Enter. You can then type in the new data and press Enter again to save the data.

Some cells have dropdowns to select from. You can click on the dropdown arrow to bring up the options. When you click one of the options, the cell will be updated with the new data.

Some cells are checkboxes, and while you can still double click or press Enter to edit them, you can also click on the checkbox to toggle it on or off, or press Space to toggle it.

Filtering Data

You can filter data in the report by clicking on the filter bar above each column and typing in the filter you want.

Advanced Filtering

Data Filtering Button

Data Filtering

By clicking on the filter button which is next to the filter bar, you can bring up the advanced filtering options.

Search Operators

Different columns have slightly different filtering options, but most include the ability for more advanced search operators. The following operators are available:

  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Equals
  • Does not equal
  • Begins with
  • Ends with
  • Blank
  • Not blank

You can clear the filter by clicking on the Reset button.

Filter by Value

You can also filter by value by selecting or deselecting the checkboxes next to the values you want to filter by. You can search for a value by typing in the search bar.

Copying and Pasting Data

You can copy and paste data in the report by selecting the data you want to copy, pressing Ctrl+C (or Cmd+C on Mac), moving to the cell you want to paste the data into, and pressing Ctrl+V (or Cmd+V on Mac). Only valid data can be pasted into a cell, meaning you cannot paste any data into a layer column that doesn’t exist in the layer dropdown.